See the EM LabEx live at the K 2022
Are you looking for a test extruder to test new polymers? Or are you just looking for a small extruder to produce small webs? Then you now have the possibility to see this laboratory extruder in [...]
Are you looking for a test extruder to test new polymers? Or are you just looking for a small extruder to produce small webs? Then you now have the possibility to see this laboratory extruder in [...]
Braskem’s Bio-polyethylene test on an EM LabEx lab extruder EM LabEx ApS has build a lab extruder to test various kinds of plastic material / polymers, and Braskem’s Bio-polyethylene [...]
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Use a Lab extruder | Small scale extruder for Innovation, R &D, & Testing of Blown film
Cuando prueba su material en una pequeña extrusora de prueba, ahorra tiempo y dinero...
EM LabEx ApS ha construido una extrusora de laboratorio para probar varios tipos de materiales plásticos y polímeros. Por lo tanto, nos gustaría mostrárselo tanto en línea como en la vida real. [...]
Meet representatives for EM LabEx in Amsterdam